Mission PNG: How can you help?

In PNG, our nearest neighbour, the Church-run health services provide primary health care to the rural majority. They are usually funded by grants from the PNG Government, but due to COVID-19 and the Government of PNG's dire financial circumstances they are not currently receiving regular funding. The latest I heard was staff not getting paid in the last month, no medical supplies getting through and some services struggling to continue operations.

This is devastating for the poorest of people in our region. Women are dying from pregnancy complications from lack of access to health care. Similarly for infants and victims of violence and snake bite etc.

I would recommend that Christians consider supporting either a denominational Church Health Service in PNG with whom they might have some affiliation or Christian Health Services which is the umbrella organisation to which all Church-run health services belong, apart from the Catholic Church. 

CHS PNG advocates and negotiates with the Government on behalf of the Churches for the necessary funding and support for Church health work, and provides services to the many Church health organisations around the country struggling to carry on. They also provide training for Churches on community health programs, and support the many Church-run Community Health Worker training schools.


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